Was meaning to blog about this earlier but as usual the thing got to me! :D
I finally got to visit Disneyland for the first time. Oh! I mean the one in Paris not Florida.... Would love to have gone to the one in Florida but then again this also mean that either one of us would have to win the lottery jackpot! LOL!!!
Was just over the Labor day weekend that we took off to Paris. Stayed at the in-laws place for a night and was off the following day early. It was rather cloudy then but thank goodness it didn't rained! We went with my 2nd SIL, which was great since their 8 year old could entertain Owen and vice verse.
Was nearly noon by the time we arrived at the Santa Fee hotel (located within the parks' ground). Took their shuttle to the park right after checking in and boy, we were really excited! Well, its more Owen and I were really looking forward than hubs. Disneyland or any other park similar to this is just not his thing... :p As far as crowd goes, its really not that crowed as it supposed to be being the labor day weekend and what nots. There were more foreigners than French but then again, I guess the French would prefer Astrix Park to Disneyland...
We managed to go on rides that weren't that violent A.K.A.: the slow rides with no screaming involved, after having to wait in lines in an average about 40 mins. Which is still not bad since it could be worst - 1 to 2 hours!! We did the Phantom Manor (the decor is not bad & Owen wasn't scared!), visited Sleeping Beauty's castle, the Studio Tram tour, Mad Hatters' Tea cups and Its a Small world water ride, the Cars Race Rally and the Disneyland Railroad ride. Saw their Main Street parade and the Stunt Show Spectacular as well! I manged to go on the Twilight Tower of Terror ride with SIL.... Let me tell you that my heart went straight to my stomach with that ride! LOL! At least I kept my breakfast & lunch inside of me! hahahahaha..... The "cast members at the Tower were really convincing as well as funny.
In between, I managed to sneaked in a few visits to their boutiques. And there's soo.... MANY boutiques there! Despite the fact that its pretty expensive, we still got some souvenirs like t-shirts for the kids, pins, mugs, key chain and not forgetting photo album. I guess Disneyland is a mega money making "magic" machine, not so much of the original magic now is it?
Owen was so excited and hyper the entire trip! Although he did nap a little admits all that's going on and noises around us.... He had nightmares and woke up crying several times during the first night which makes both of us looking like zombies the next day. Think they would hire us as cast members with us looking like that? hehehee.....
It was a fun trip although we didn't manage to visit all that we wanted to. Perhaps next time when Owen is a little older and could actually appreciate the visit more than this time around. By then I think we would probably go to the one in Florida, if budget permits.. TIME TO BUY LOTTERY TICKETS! LOL!!!