Monday, April 16, 2007

Can't wait any longer!!

Was meaning to put up a picture of the my finished Forever Friends Wedding sampler a week ago. But since its going to girlfriend who got married last month, I'm now not even sure if it has reached her safely or not?! So decided to go ahead and post this picture... What to do, can not tahan liow! hehehehehe... I just hope that they will like it.....

May you grow old together!

As soon as I got this mailed out, I got out a birth sampler for our little angel. Got this some time back while in Paris on a stashing sale spree/summer sale.... Well I can't say its a sampler, but got the chart just because it looks cute and it was on SALE! So now I'm going to put it into good use! hehehehhe....

A baby bunny in the making....

I just wish I could make another trip this summer again for the sale in Paris. But then again may be not, as I can not imagine myself maneuvering the stroller (with all the baby stuff) in Paris metro stations alone! And on top of that, that place is not very child/stroller friendly place..... So I guess I'll be on a stash diet for sometime till may be Christmas or after New Year? Pray that I can tahan till then! But then again, can go on-line shopping what?! hehehehehe....


Barbara J said...

That's a lovely wedding sampler you stitched for your friend! She'll love it I am sure!

And you own baby sampler is coming along nicely.

There are so many freebies around, don't really have to buy any charts for a long time :)

Sharon said...

The wedding sampler is just too cute! The bunny is adorable.