Monday, March 03, 2008

Is Milk a "poison" for humans?

Living in a milk rich region, its hard to avoid products made with cow's milk. Be it butter, cheese, yogurt, cakes, cereals etc...

However there are reasons to believe that milk is slowly poisoning our human bodies. Well at least I do. Do you think cow's milk is right and safe for human consumption at all? Well, most people say right away YES! For the very few would say NO!

For the YES! group, their reasons are:

  • Well that's where you get your calcium and protein from. Honestly? Well no. Calcium and protein could be obtained from other sources such as soy and green leafy veggies. Like the cow which gets their sources from. Cow's milk are made from vegetarian diet. We don't we see cow's drinking each other milk don't we? Unless of course if its their new born.

The NO! group reasons:

  • milk contains hormone which is either injected by farmers or produced naturally by the animal for the usage of their new borns. These hormone can and could react with our human body cell which causes cancer. Take for example, breast cancer. In order for cow's to produce milk, it has to produce insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I). Same as human female. Therefore since us females produce these IGF-Is ourseves, why take in more from milk? "It has been widely known that IGF-I is one of the key factors of cancerous cell growth" from here.

  • There are a lot of people who are lactose intolerant or milk will make them very (very) ill. Some people like me who suffers from migraine would be thankful to know that milk is one of the main culprits besides sudden change of temperature, allergy of certain foods (peanuts, chocolates etc), stress, toothaches etc...

  • Its also widely known to cause osteoporosis in the western world. I've actually not heard of osteoporosis while I was back home!!! I think must be the reason that in Asia (notably China & Japan), we don't drink that much of milk or at all. The other reason for this would be that most Asians have milk intolerance. Drinking milk will not prevent loss of bone mass. It seems that bone mass loss is accelerated by having too much protein and dairy products.

  • One could actually find residues of pesticides and what nots. These residues remains in the fat cells of milk even after pasteurising it.

  • Well it causes bowel movement in most cases, kidney stone and prostate cancer in most cases.

  • Have anyone seen how cow's are milked? Well if you're thinking a maid with a bucket in hand milking the cow happily, you're darn wrong! Milk consumption as double and tripled in the last decade. Milking cows the old fashioned way would take too long not to mention too expensive to fill the demands of todays "new" consumer market, namely China. Cow's are being "sucked" with machines on a daily basis. Can you imagine YOU being "sucked" in such manner? I could: from previous breast lactating machine in the hospital!! :(

With so many reasons, why the dairy industry giants such as Nestlé (they were involved in a infant food product scandal. The Nestlé Boycott read all about it) etc continue to promote milk as a healthy and safe choice of food? Because it involves the loss of trillions of investments and jobs. Imagine farmers, cheese makers or your average milkman loosing their income/jobs. I'm hot asking people to immediately stop taking dairy food while I ironronically continue to take them. I have been reducing them and will continue to do so. I hope that you will do the same perhaps?

Most sources are from and image from


Emily said...

Hi Shanny, Thanks for your visit! Hey nice picture of the moo! Trying to cut down milk consumption slowly... wahhhh sobb imagine life without chocolates and ice cream!

Shanny Khoo said...

YEAH! Tell me about it! But you know, can eat dark chocos mar! hehehehehe...

Edward Skading said...

All these food organisations are not careful and they are just concern about their bottom line. This is another milk incident and hope someone could write about it.

Anonymous said...

Are you a doctor?

Shanny Khoo said...

@Anonymous: I am not a doctor but I'm simply pointing out the pros and cons of milk making machine. And please if you would like to use scarasm here go ahead... I've got better things to do.

PS: I'm wondering now why didn't you use your name here?... hmmm....