Beautiful flowers blooming along the roadside. Scenes like this are everywhere!!
Its the totally different story today!! Its been raining non stop since this morning!! arrgghhh... Well I guess rain is good since we all here hope that its going to be a very nice and hot summer time this year. I'd love the hot weather, remains me of home... *sniff*sniff*... But at home we don't get to see sceneries like these:

Part of the Swiss Alps along Geneva Lake, still snowy on the 2nd week of spring.

One of the boat "parking spaces" near our place.
About 15 mins walk to the lake side from our place in Vevey.
Yes, you can say that I still miss home but not as much as I used to be 4 years back. Guess when you're bz doing some projects and having some friends around makes thing a lot easier as years pass by. I'm not saying that I don't want to come home, I do eventually. But until that day comes, I feel that there's so much out there for us to do and see, rather than being curled up in a corner and weep for home.
This brings something to my mind. I've been meaning to say this for a long time. I can't stand having people that compare their home country with the host country they're living in. If one has so much to say as to compare each different country, then don't live there! Go back to where you come from if you think yours are better to live in.... To me, each different place has its pros and cons, just that we have to adapt to it.
Well, I really hope that the rainy times are soon over here coz I can't stand not having to go out for a walk or being able to read a book under the sun, especially now.
Wah! It's so beautiful!! I'm growing green horns now. *lol* Had always dreamt of living near a lake or a river. Even along a creek also will do. *Sighz*
BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS, Shanny!! Would you mind telling me what camera do you use for such lovely shoots? They're simply great. You're indeed a master photographer.
Great stuff. Simply can't say enough...
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! *grin frm ear 2 ear*... Glad you like it!
wow.... the swiss alps scenery is sooooooo beautiful.... wish i am there now... it's so hot here in malaysia...
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